
Cause I'm Slackin... Some Bar Snacks to Tide You Over

It's not that I haven't been eating. I have. A lot. I've also been real busy. New job. Travel. Effervescing social life. Insane NBA Playoffs, NHL Championships... my unbelievably awesome fantasy baseball team. It's hard to get on here and be witty. Forget about uploading tons of photos.

Anyway, I have a bunch of good stuff on deck and I promise to tell you all about it soon but in the meantime I thought I'd get fast and loose with the update and share some fun little smackerels of yummy goodness.

So this just CRACKS me up. I gotta give Dana credit for this one. He sent it to me. It's a site called scanwiches on which some supremely awesome human scans his sandwich each day and posts the image along with a description of its contents. BRILLIANT.

A SCANWICH From April 24

I picked this one cause of a large amount of what I thought were pickles but apparently the sandwich in question is called the Crosby Connection: Virginia Ham, Smoked Gouda, Green Apples, Honey Mustard, On a hero. Sounds good, eh?

What I really want to know is... where is he getting these sandwiches cause they look amazing and what the hell does his scanner look like? I mean, does he ever need to use it for scanning documents? Like... oh, sorry boss. That's just a little mayo from yesterday's scan. Let me wipe that up for you before you scan the legal brief.


This was something else I liked this week but who the hell doesn't like it when their name ends up on a beer label??? Big ups to Alyssa for sending this my way. Not only is it the Elle beer from their Cyclone Series, it's also from Newport Storm and being that I'm from that really large cult also known as people from Rhode Island, it was pretty thrilling.

My Namesake

I like these Newport Storm beers. You can't get them everywhere but within the great state of R.I. they're usually available and sometimes in parts of Mass as well.

Anyway, that's all I got. We're headed to NYC this weekend so I'm sure we'll get some good footage there and I have some great stuff of 12 people around a single shabu pot and a weekend of intense eating on the Cape. All in good time my friends. Pace yourselves. You don't want to get full.

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