
A Contradiction in Names: Good Times at the Anything BUT Enormous Room & Reflections on the Best Weekend of My Life

Kenji looking fabulous as usual. Everyone we know assembled for a common goal and a really rockin sound track. Could anything be better? Only more room for dancing! Our favorite DJs made magic Friday night at the Enormous Room in Cambridge and the only thing that could have made it more fun is if they got rid of all those lethal glass tables scattered around the place for no other purpose but to take up perfectly good gettin down space!

It's still a little unclear to me what the theme was for the night. It was Mel and Greg's collective birthday's - theme 1. But the night was billed as Wedding Crack by our friend's Soul Clap and DJ Vuitton - theme 2. However, it seemed like an excuse for a bunch of people who hadn't seen each other in a while to get together, fight massive crowds, drink expensive cocktails and generally have a good time while crammed into a very small space - theme 3. Either way, a good time was had by all.

Me & Beth Muggin - I Swear My Eyeshadow Looked Normal When I left the House

Dana may have had too good a time and wasn't happy when he had to board a cross Atlantic flight on Saturday evening for a 3 week trip to Amsterdam. I know... poor Dana. He's actually working out of Nike's EMEA HQ in Hilversum with some market travel sprinkled in, but hopping on a plane was not topping his list of desired activities after Friday night's festivities.

Anyway, the guys from Soul Clap DJ'ed our wedding along with our friend Oliver and I believe it was the first time they had ever paired up for a tag team effort. We feel really lucky cause these guys are no slouches. They're super, fantastic, amazing DJs and the fact that they hauled it up to Maine on a holiday weekend to spin at our wedding was pretty decent. They put together a spectacular mash up that would please the fairly diverse crowd we had assembled. You're dancing to Madonna when all of a sudden it segues into Otis Redding... Parliament... Biggie... Bel Biv DeVoe. What crowd wouldn't be pleased? We couldn't drag some of our older guests off the dance floor and they easily spun for a full 6 hours.

That's the best part of getting married in a non-traditional location. We rented the entire summer camp so we could essentially go as late as we wanted and when everyone was danced out we moved the party down to the camp fire. I'm pretty sure the motivation for Friday night at Enormous Room was to recreate the magic that was the wedding tag team mash up and they were pretty successful. They ought to get a monthly residency or something because it was a lot of fun.

I Promise I'm Having More Fun Than I Appear to Be

It's a Nightclub, Right?

So I get that on other nights, Enormous Room is a chill little lounge-y place and the whole couches and dangerous glass coffee table aesthetic makes more sense when all those MIT kids are waxing poetic about solar cell efficiency, but on a Friday night when it's guaranteed to be a mob scene and you have super popular DJs spinning, can't you stash those tables somewhere? I get there would be nowhere for people to put their drinks but perhaps someone needs to rethink this layout. I mean, I feel for the cocktail waitresses in this place. There is one bar at the end of this bowling alley of a corridor so why muck up the lanes with all these sharp edged tables? Why not just sprinkle a few little wooden cubes around or something? I dunno.

Dana Terrorizing Tim; Tim Looking Dapper

I've been there to rock out to other great DJs like Certified Bananas but the sound kinda sucks (which is another issue entirely) and it's just not very conducive to dancing which seems a little ironic. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter because if you get all your people out and everyone is in the proper mindset, the utter lack of enormity doesn't really matter.

This Double Cheeseburger is Not for Sissy's

Before we went to the not so Enormous Room, we enjoyed a lovely meal at the
Green Street Grill. Once again, the place was mobbed in typical 'Cambridge on a Friday night' fashion and I wonder how the wait staff doesn't go totally crazy and start flinging food at people as they fight their way past the throngs that stand 4 and 5 deep at the bar - the only thruway to the dining room. These poor people have hot plates stacked on their arms and have to balance trays of drinks as they navigate this minefield of dimwits, many of whom seem completely unaware that there are servers struggling to get through with some one's dinner. I couldn't do that job. I'm just not a nice enough person.

Wedding Rewind

The best thing about this weekend is that we had our entire wedding party in town with the exception of Scoobs. Steve couldn't make it for undisclosed reasons but I think it has something to do with not being able to handle my awesomeness. That or his big show coming up on March 5th which I will sadly miss. My sadness will be quickly abated by the joy I will feel when I land in one of my favorite European cities. Sorry Steve. I know your show will be awesome though.

Christie was here from Aspen, my sister drove up from NYC and well... everyone else lives here but they all came out which was pretty awesome. Just to remember what we're talking about, our wedding was a magical weekend over Labor Day at a kids summer camp in Fryeburg, Maine.
All our friends came and spent the weekend, sleeping in cabins and living like campers.

Simple Life at Camp

The Scene on Saturday Night at the Wedding

The Start of Something Brilliant!

We had a big ole BBQ on Saturday with a great bluegrass band, a collaborative painting (thanks
Josh), campfire, s'mores, sing-a-longs, etc.
We had use of all the camp facilities so during the day, we were swimming in the Saco River, playing all kinds of group sports - basketball, tennis, Frisbee, whathaveyou.

The Southern Maine Pickin' Society

Good Form Oondah!

Mel Gets Nice on the Court

Dana and his cohorts tried to coordinate a decathlon which I don't think was wildly successful. But mainly people just spent a lot of time outdoors, spraying themselves down with bug spray and acting like kids. It was such an awesome time and I think people were excited to see each other this weekend and recreate some of the camaraderie that comes with sleeping in a cabins together and sharing meals
at camp.

Ample Bug Spray Application (Even in Your Wedding Dress) Is Critical

I literally saw about 20 people I hadn't seen since the wedding so I was really happy, regardless of the intended theme and the relative smallness of the room. I know I was going to talk about a cheeseburger and I will, but posting photos from the wedding is fun so I will just add a few more. P.S. These are not my photos so I have to give credit to our photographer Leesha Boylan, as well as Josh, Mel, Sheryl, and whoever else might have snapped these. I'll admit it... I am a photo appropriate-er but at least I give proper credit.

Very Serious Sporting Endeavors: Fish, Sheryl & Fumika Create a New Olympic Challenge

Mel Channels Nicole Richie

Olivia's Signature Outfit

More Extreme Sports

The McAllister Clan & Cutest Baby EVER

The Campfire Scene at Night

It's Weird They're Both Making That Face

A Little Taste of the Gettin Down: Erik, Kristen & Alyssa Cut a Rug With Mom

A Lil Rope Jumpin?

Greg Does Some Russian Dancin

These Two Are Just So Pretty I Had To Post This

I Really Have No Idea What Is Happening Here

Oh Right, And the Actual Wedding Part!

Christie Reading Dante

Pretty Ladies

My College Crew (Steve Who Could Finish the Burger Far Left - No One Is Judging)

Scuba Steve and Marion

We Did Get a Serious Photo; This Isn't It

So, getting all the people together this weekend that made our wedding so beyond awesome was a treat. It was like people heard the words "Elle & Dana's Wedding" and they were canceling their plans to come out. That's how you know your wedding was pretty rockin. When people wanna have a reunion.

These Are The Awesome DJs (Minus Charlie - No Dis; Just Couldn't Find a Good Shot and This One is Priceless - Copyright Josh Falk)

Our DJs
were so totally amazing that weekend that people couldn't stop themselves from having fun if they tried and the same thing was happening on Friday. People were dancing even if they usually don't . I love seeing that. Dancing is so healthy. It makes you smile on the inside. Regardless of what the whole point of this Enormous Room thing was - it got all our friends out on a Friday night and for that, I'm super thankful to Eli, Charlie and Oliver. It was a cool little wedding reunion for us.

Back to That Burger

Bet ya didn't think I'd start talking about food again! So at Green Street they do a lot of nice, sophisticated meals with things like pork belly and truffles. Things that have been reduced and emulsified. On this particular night however, our entire party was famished. I'm talking... nothing more than a handful of grapes and a little piece of cheese to eat in the past 8 hours hungry. Therefore, not so shockingly, we all ordered the bacon double cheeseburger. This isn't your average double stack. The thing is huge and quite delicious. I am forever forgetting to photograph my meals so I had to take a picture of Steve's cause he was the only one who couldn't handle it and left enough for me to get a decent depiction.

Fuzzy Photo of The Burger Steve Couldn't Finish

The do some really nice starters at Green Street and we had a few orders of the short rib which is served bone-in with a green papaya salad and the lobster fritters which are essentially like little lobster filled dough balls fried to a nice golden brown. I grew up in R.I. so I always think a fritter is going to be like a clam cake which is very doughy and chewy but this was nice and light. We also had an order of mussels which come in a coconut-red curry-lobster broth with cherry tomatoes & basil. They were good but not as good as the ones we had at the Portsmouth Brewery. Those were the best mussels in a curry broth I have EVER had. Yum. The food there is quite good.

Vodka Gimlet - Fresh Lime Juice

Green Street will also mix you a proper cocktail and they have a lovely selection of beer and wine. Had we not been in such a rush to squeeze ourselves into the tiny room, I might have explored more. The bartender made a point of letting me know he would be using fresh lime juice for my gimlet which I prefer as it has a tart but not tangy taste and is more refreshing and less cloyingly sweet. It was quite good. I had another at the Enormous Room which paled in comparison.

So, that's all I got. This was a rambler. Sorry about that. Big burgers, fabulous weddings, nightclubs that are too small, totally awesome DJs that rock my world. It's all places I have been and things I have eaten, and at the end of the day, idle hands are the devil's playthings and we don't want the devil toying with my hands.

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